Minimalist Photography Gallery

Lake Superior Whitefish Point, Michigan Minimalist Photography GalleryLake Superior Whitefish Point Michigan #63785  Purchase

If you browse through my website you’ll see that I employ many different styles of photography. Likewise, I don’t like the idea of limiting myself to one method in photographing landscape and nature. Minimalist photography is one approach that has always inspired me. I love how a simple composition can tell a story.

Consequently, my archives of minimalist photographs continues to grow.  Therefore, I’m presenting a new Minimalist Photography Gallery showcasing this evocative style. Most of the images in this gallery implements elements of earth, sky, and water. In addition, in some photos high key lighting and pastel tones are used to complete the mood. Please take a look when you get a chance. Also, feel free to comment and share with friends and colleagues. Click here to view the gallery.

Lake Superior Whitefish Point, Michigan Minimalist Photography GalleryLake Superior Whitefish Point Michigan #63784  Purchase

What is Minimalist Photography?

Minimalism uses empty spaces, colors, patterns, textures, and shapes. These simple elements properly composed can bring focus to subject. This alone can often be enough to convey a concept, or elicit an emotional response.

Visual noise in today’s world increases every day. Images overwhelm us with color, patterns, and information. And they are constantly bombarding us at breakneck speed. All of this can leave a person with a feeling of mental exhaustion. On the other hand, minimalist images can offer a relaxing break from our increasingly stressful world.

Lake Superior Whitefish Point, Michigan Minimalist Photography GalleryLake Superior Whitefish Point Michigan #63803  Purchase

For example, the healthcare industry often displays minimalist artwork  in their facilities. Simple shapes and tones can bring a calming atmosphere to anxious patients. In addition, businesses are also recognizing this benefit. Many offices also use minimalist artwork to relax stressed employees, and increase productivity.

All of the images in this post, and gallery, are available as fine art prints. They are also available for commercial and editorial licensing.

Please scroll down to see more!

Lake Superior Whitefish Point, Michigan Minimalist Photography Gallery Lake Superior Whitefish Point Michigan #63785  Purchase

Alvord Lake Oregon Minimalist Photography GalleryAlvord Lake Oregon  #60974  Purchase

Redfish Lake, Sawtooth National Recreation Area Idaho Minimalist Photography GalleryRedfish Lake Sawtooth Mountains, Idaho  #56206  Purchase

Minimalist Photography Gallery



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